CCR 2023封面图片


2023年消费者信心报告,也被称为 年度水质报告, 在这里!

在这份详细的报告中, 客户s can learn more about where their water comes from and how our water quality measures up to federal and state drinking water standards.

注:虽然出版于2024年, this report is labeled 2023 as it is covers data collected and findings compiled for the year 2023.


想了解更多关于DG真人游戏? 查看平台登录的 new fact sheet with all kinds of cool info about our employees, 保护, 供应商多样性等等! 看一看


San Jose Water has partnered with Promise to offer our 客户s affordable, 方便, and flexible PromisePay payment plans for their past due bills. 点击这里 要了解更多信息并立即注册!


On January 2, 2024, we filed an application for the years 2025-2027. 的 application proposes a 3-year $540 million capital investment program to ensure a resilient water system for our 客户s and local communities. 了解更多.

You are invited to participate in a Public Forum, also called a Public Participation Hearing (PPH), about SJW’s Application for authority to increase rates for water service. 它将被坚持下去 2024年6月13日下午2点和6点. 找到 完整的通知和细节在这里.


在过去的一年里,SJW完成了54美元.4 million in diverse spend and partnered with 65+ unique diverse suppliers. 在平台登录向CPUC提交年度报告.


从2024年5月开始, SJW is planning a multi-year construction project to build two new tanks, providing 16 million gallons of potable water storage to our 客户s. This reservoir replacement project is scheduled to be completed in September 2027. 点击这里了解更多.


自1月1日起, changes to SJW rates have been implemented.

For 2024, the average 客户 using 11 CCF will see a total bill increase of $4.719 (or 4.14%)或$0.每天157英镑. 点击这里了解更多.


与…合作 发票云,你现在可以 享受…的便利 24小时在线账单支付 with credit card, Venmo, Apple Pay, PayPal and Google Pay options.

如果你已经是自动支付客户, 无需进一步操作. To register for an account, simply click 付账单 to get set up in the new 客户 portal.


截至3月1日, shutoffs resumed for 客户s who have not paid their bills for over 90 days. We had previously not shut off water service for over four years. This action is necessary to support our business and continue providing reliable service to all of our 客户s. 

平台登录的 goal is to help 客户s avoid water shutoffs. 点击这里了解更多.


SJW knows that COVID impacted our 客户s’ ability to pay their bills. In order to help, SJW has applied for arrearage assistance from the State Water Board. 这笔资金可用于 客户 debt accrued from June 15, 2021 through December 31, 2022. We will be providing more information throughout the process. 请 点击这里了解详情.



Op-Ed: Outgrowing Legacy Utility 付款 Systems

VP of Regulatory Affairs and Government Relations 约翰•唐 贡献一个 客座专栏 水在线, detailing how SJW arrived at the ideal payment platform solution after a months-long search, keeping the company in line with its values of exceptional 客户 service and innovation.

Inspiring Change through 供应商的多样性 in the Water Industry

SJW's Director of 供应商的多样性 Tim McLaughlin recently 和他谈过了 顺丰商业时报 论供应商多样性的重要性.



的 2023年消费者信心报告 provides a snapshot of last year’s cumulative local water quality data, including where the company’s water comes from and how its quality compares to federal and state standards. It also summarizes the results of more than 18,000 water quality tests conducted throughout the year. 全文在此.

SJW Completes Montego Tank Replacement Project

的 newly completed Montego tank includes a 377,600-gallon welded steel water storage tank that meets modern seismic standards to minimize failure risk during earthquakes. This $4 million project will serve future generations with safe and reliable water service. Read more about the completed project in our 新闻稿.

员工关注的焦点 布伦达·罗梅罗 photo collage


付水费. 在人. 用现金. 很容易!

CheckFreePay: New Bill Pay Option for Customers

CheckFreePay® is a 方便 way to pay your water bill in-person with cash. It is the largest processor of walk-in bill payments in the United States with more than 20 locations in our community. 去平台登录的新 CheckFree页面 找一个离你近的地方!

Graphic of drop box with text "for your convenience, we have a drop box for 客户 payments."


平台登录的 Customer Service office remains closed to walk-in visits. However, we offer the following options to make a payment: 

  • We have a 方便 drop box located outside of our 110 W. 泰勒在圣何塞的办公室. 只收支票,不要现金. 
  • 一次性和自动化 网上账单支付
  • Free automated payment service at: (877) 401-0085
  • 邮寄表格至:DG真人游戏,110 W. 泰勒街,圣何塞,加州95110

帽 & 计费

If you’re struggling to pay your water bill, we’re here to help!

 to our flexible payment plans and easy new online pay portal, we will work with you.

请致电(408)279-7900或 客户.service@promisesurfing.net

使用平台登录的支付中心 to pay your SJW bill with Visa, MasterCard and Discover!

Little girl brushing her teeth with orange toothbrush and cup


平台登录的 water composition meets or surpasses all state and federal drinking standards. 查看平台登录的 2023水质报告.

Looking for information on a possible water source change or general water quality questions? 查看平台登录的 水质网页.

错过了平台登录的水质/PFAS网络研讨会? 下载演示文稿的副本.

